Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Biden says does not know if family can handle a 2016 bid

Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday night he still hasn’t sorted out whether he and his family can handle a 2016 presidential race.
“The honest-to-God answer is I just don’t know,” he said, answering a question from former Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat after a foreign policy speech at a synagogue here. “I can’t look you straight in the eye and say now, ‘I know I can do that.’”

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Joe Biden’s hope-and-pray South Carolina strategy

Top Democrats in the state are so unnerved by Hillary Clinton’s inability to get beyond her email controversy that they say the vice president's on-a-wing-and-a-prayer strategy isn’t hopeless.

Joe Biden thinks he can win South Carolina. And that victory, he believes, would hurtle his campaign into a rally toward the Democratic nomination no matter who has already taken Iowa and New Hampshire.

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Clinton's lead drops further as interest in Biden grows

Hillary Clinton's lead among Democrats nationwide is continuing to recede, according to the latest nationwide Monmouth University poll released Tuesday morning.

The poll was conducted Aug. 31-Sept. 2, via landlines and cellphones, surveying 339 registered Democratic voters and those who lean Democratic. The margin of error is plus or minus 5.3 percentage points.

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Standing in for Obama: Joe Biden

The vice president fills in for Obama with an African leader as the president tours Michigan with the VP's wife.

Vice President Joe Biden presided over a ceremony with a small West African nation on Wednesday, filling in for the man whose job he wants — as that man spent the day with Biden's wife.

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Biden takes his pre-campaign to Clinton’s turf

The vice president is picking at the damaged front-runner and testing a progressive message.

Joe Biden’s jumping right into Hillary Clinton’s sandbox — and New York Democrats are eager to see him play.

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Biden to court Black Caucus

Continuing his pre-presidential campaign, Vice President Joe Biden will head to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation convention in Washington this weekend, according to sources familiar with the planning.

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Joe Biden: Donald Trump's 'sick' message is xenophobic

Donald Trump's campaign remarks about Mexican immigrants represent a play to the worst parts of society, Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday.
Speaking at a reception marking Hispanic Heritage Month, Biden laid into the businessman turned GOP front-runner -- naming him twice -- as reverting to "xenophobia" in a play for votes.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

10 Things You Didn't Know about Joe Biden

We've seen Senator Joe Biden go head to head with Governor Sarah Palin at the VP debate, so we know how he feels about all of the issues. But do you really know the man who could be our next vice president? Here are 10 things you might not know about the potential VP!

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At Labor Day Rally, Joe Biden Gives Glimpse Of A Biden Candidacy.

He jogged back and forth across a downtown Pittsburgh street to greet people who met him with cheers of "Run Joe Run."

Vote for Biden. 

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Joe Biden Announces Plan To Fund Clearing The Rape Kit Backlog

Vice President Joe Biden, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. announced at a press conference in New York City on Thursday, September 10, that nearly $80 million will be issued as grants to more than 40 police agencies in order to clear the backlog of 70,000 rape kit. 

Biden Cares. Vote for Biden. 

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Hillary Clinton "More Guarded", Joe Biden "More Human"

The reason why you should vote for Biden.

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Support for Vice President Biden Soars in Recent Quinnipiac Poll

Last weeks Monmouth Poll says 43% Democratic voters could likely switch to Biden if he announces.

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Veteran Public Relations Strategist Kitty Kurth to Serve as Senior Communications Advisor to Draft Biden

Chicago – Draft Biden announced today that veteran public relations and political strategist Kitty Kurth, President of Kurth Lampe Worldwide, will serve as Senior Communications Advisor for the Draft Biden movement. Kurth joins a growing communications team of prominent campaign operatives.

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Des Moines— Sen. Chaz Allen (D-Newton, IA), a champion of job creation and an advocate for the working class, announced his endorsement of the Draft Biden SuperPAC campaign in Iowa this morning. Sen. Allen served as Mayor of Newton from 2004-2012 and was elected to his first term in the Iowa Senate in 2014. He represents much of Jasper and Eastern Polk counties. Allen is Vice Chair of the Ways and Means Committee and brings years of extensive civic involvement to the campaign.

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Biden Secretly Meets With Top Obama Bundler During New York Swing

If the vice president does decide to run against Hillary Clinton, the benefits of landing Robert Wolf would be many.

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Joe Biden's inner struggle

Vice President Joe Biden's appearance on the new Stephen Colbert late-night television show was not billed as a campaign event. But because of the man's rare candor and authenticity, the interview may have offered the best argument for him to run for president after all, despite his clearly stated reservations.

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The amazing honesty of Joe Biden

Joe Biden's unique trait as a politician is — and always has been — his honesty. Sometimes that honesty gets him into varying degrees of trouble. Sometimes it makes it seem as though he's the closest thing to a real person you could possibly hope for in politics.

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Sunday, September 13, 2015

20 Quotes from Joe Biden

1 - Failure at some point in your life is inevitable, but giving up is unforgivable.

2-  For too long in this society, we have celebrated unrestrained individualism over common community.

3-  Reality has a way of intruding. Reality eventually intrudes on everything.

4- Fighting corruption is not just good governance. It's self-defense. It's patriotism.

5- When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'

6- A gaffe in Washington is someone telling the truth, and telling the truth has never hurt me.

7- Let's just be smart this time. I'm looking for smart.

8-I can die a happy man never having been president of the United States of America. But it doesn't mean I won't run.

9- One of the things I've never been accused of is not caring about people.

10- I know I'm not supposed to like muscle cars, but I like muscle cars.

11-  Remember, no one decides who they're going to vote for based on the vice president. I mean that literally.

12- Life is a matter of really tough choices.

13- We're going to be OK because of the American people. They have more grit, determination and courage than you can imagine.

14- The American people have not become heartless.

15- You're looking at a middle-class guy. I am who I am.

16- America doesn't have health insurance.

17- There's no political point worth my son's life.

18- I don't say very much I don't really think through. I know that sounds inconsistent with Joe Biden.

19- I have an expression I use as I've gone around the world through my career: 'You never tell another man or woman what's in their interest. They know their interest better than you know their interest.'

20- We're close friends - the American people, the Israeli people, our governments. There's absolutely no daylight - none - between us and the Israelis on the question of Israel's security.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Key facts for Democrats.

A Joe Biden 2016 Bid May Draw Key Voters

EDGARTOWN, Mass.—One of Vice President Joe Biden’s top challenges, amid increasing signs that he may announce a presidential campaign, is determining whether he could corner a Democratic constituency that would sustain his candidacy and make him a formidable threat to Hillary Clinton.
With Mrs. Clinton slipping in polls, Mr. Biden could introduce another challenge to her campaign by drawing away key voters: working-class Americans and independents. Both groups have moved away from the party in recent elections, and Mr. Biden fares better with them than Mrs. Clinton, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC poll taken this summer.
“He has a reach that other Democrats don’t have at this stage,” said Peter Hart, a Democratic pollster who worked on the survey.
Mr. Biden is expected to decide in coming weeks whether to make his third bid for the White House, a campaign that would be far behind Mrs. Clinton’s in terms of fundraising, staff and organizing in early voting states such as Iowa and New Hampshire.
The vice president and his closest advisers have been reaching out to Democratic donors and party leaders in key states. Beyond assessing their ability to build a campaign infrastructure, they are sounding out potential campaign messages that would present Mr. Biden as a candidate who understands the struggles of everyday Americans because they have been the same as his own struggles.
Quinnipiac poll released Thursday found that Biden would best Republican Donald Trump in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. “Americans are looking for a president who tells it like it is, and one who has a history of backing up those words with action,” saidJoshua Alcorn, a senior adviser to a draft Biden organization.
“Joe would find that he would have pockets of support that would be enthusiastic,” saidKurt Meyer, who chairs the Democratic Party in three counties in northern Iowa. “But the organization and the fuel—largely money—has kind of already migrated elsewhere. I just think it would be very, very tough.”
David Axelrod, a former top political adviser to President Barack Obama, said Mr. Biden, who has been an “extraordinary partner” to the president, faces “a very big hill to climb. But I get why he is still looking hard at it, and I suspect, at this point, he may play it out for as long as he feels he can to see if the tectonic plates shift.”
What a Biden constituency would be if he runs is the key question, said Michael McKeon,a Chicago-based polling expert and president of McKeon & Associates. “He’s an old party guy. He’s a back slapper,” he said. “It’s a different game” now where social media and alternative forms of communication dominate. “You have to be able to communicate on all kinds of different levels.”
Many blue-collar voters are also Catholic, another constituency with whom Mr. Biden does well. Mr. Biden, who is Catholic, has held meetings with Catholic leaders at the vice-presidential residence in recent weeks in preparation for Pope Francis’ visit to the White House next month.
Mr. Biden’s background as the son of a furnace cleaner and used-car salesman has been an asset with working-class Americans and independents across states like Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Among independents, 34% have a positive view of Mr. Biden, according to the June Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, while 27% have a negative view of him. Mrs. Clinton, meanwhile, is viewed positively by 34% of independents, but 40% have a negative view of her, according to the poll.
Fewer blue-collar workers also have a negative view of Mr. Biden than they do of Mrs. Clinton, the poll showed. And Mr. Biden does better than Mrs. Clinton among union households.
“He reaches in and does well with independents and he does well with blue-collar people. Essentially that’s a group that’s moved away from the Democratic Party,” Mr. Hart said of Mr. Biden. “That’s where Hillary is weakest.”
“It doesn’t mean that politically he should not get in or should get in the race. It does mean he would have an advantage that President Obama didn’t have in 2012,” he said.
Then-candidate Barack Obama didn’t have a natural constituency among working class and blue-collar workers, and Mrs. Clinton beat him for those voters in the 2008 primary. Mr. Obama ultimately won by pulling together a Democratic coalition that including young voters and large numbers of African-Americans and Latinos.
Mrs. Clinton far outpaces Mr. Biden among Latino voters. While 49% of Latinos have a positive view of Mr. Biden and 15% hold a negative view, 81% have a positive view of Mrs. Clinton while just 3% of Latinos have a negative view of her, according to the Journal/NBC poll.
Mr. Biden struggled to gain traction in past presidential campaigns and was often overshadowed by his public gaffes. At least some Democrats hope what’s long been viewed as a propensity for misstatements could be an asset in a race where Mr. Trump, has tapped into voter frustration with robotic candidates.
“In this quite bizarre political climate, there is something really appealing about a throwback pol like Biden,” said Steve Schale, a longtime Democratic strategist in Florida who would back Mr. Biden should he run.
Jim McQueeny, a former Democratic strategist from New Jersey, said Mr. Biden could win the support of blue-collar workers, such as steelworkers, mechanics and factory workers, by capitalizing on “the feeling that he understands their issues” more than Mrs. Clinton does.
“It’s mostly white, it’s mostly male but it can be very powerful,” Mr. McQueeny said. “Hillary has a challenge with these people,” he added.


The following groups will clearly vote a majority (fifty percent plus one) for Barack Obama and Joe Biden:
Men–More Educated
Women-More Educated, Single
African Americans
Asian Americans
Native Americans
Young People under 34
Middle Aged People 35-54
Jews–Less Religious
Catholics–Less Religious
Secular Voters
Gays and Lesbians
Veterans–Young and Middle Age
College Graduates
Urban Residents
Suburban Voters
Civil Libertarians
Northeast and New England
Midwest Except Indiana and Missouri
Mountain States Of Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico
Pacific Coast and Hawaii
Who will clearly vote in a majority for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan?
Whites–less educated, rural, men and women
Men–less educated and particularly from South
Women–less educated, married, more religious, rural
Wealthy–top two percent
Corporate World
Senior Citizens Who Are White and Christian
Voters 55-64 Who Are White and Christian
Religious Voters, Christian and Jewish
Cuban Americans
Rural Voters
Those With Less Than A Four Year College Degree
Southern States, except Florida and Virginia
Great Plains States
Portions of Midwest and Mountain States, and Alaska
White Working Class in South and Midwest
Tea Party Movement supporters
Conspiracy Theory Believers
“Racial Problem” Voters
High School Graduates or Dropouts
This represents the greatest divisiveness of our nation in probably the past hundred and forty years, and does not bode well for future cooperation in dealing with national problems, both domestic and foreign. Conflict, rather than consensus, is a very disturbing trend in our society!

Joe Biden 2016: 5 Factors That Might Push Him To Run

1. Democrats Want the Option of Biden

2. Clinton Is Slipping in the Horse Race

3. And Clinton’s Taking a Hit in Favorability and Trustworthiness

4. It May Be His Last Chance to Run

5. Beau Wanted It

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